Augusta College and Its Civil War Connection - Part II Confederate, Federal, Augusta CollegeDarryl SmithApril 2, 2024Augusta College, Federal, Confederate, 16th Kentucky Infantry
The Organization of the 16th Kentucky 16th Kentucky Infantry, FederalDarryl SmithDecember 26, 202316th Kentucky Infantry, Federal
William Riley Murphy 16th Kentucky Infantry, Cemetery, FederalDarryl SmithNovember 24, 2023Federal, 16th Kentucky Infantry
The Civil War Bravards of Bracken County Federal, Soldier Story, 16th Kentucky InfantryDarryl SmithAugust 11, 2023Federal, 16th Kentucky Infantry
Bracken's Boys - Companies D & E, 16th Kentucky Infantry Federal, 16th Kentucky InfantryDarryl SmithAugust 4, 2023Federal, 16th Kentucky Infantry
Murderer? The Story of James B. Shane Federal, Soldier Story, 16th Kentucky InfantryDarryl SmithJuly 28, 2023Federal, 16th Kentucky Infantry